What is Tantric Massage?
Tantric Massage is one small part of the wide-ranging Tantric philosophy. Some of the other disciplines include Tantric Yoga, Tantric Meditation, Tantric Breathing etc
It is difficult to define Tantric Massage. Since there are no real standards, every therapist might do something different. So you can never quite be sure what you are getting when you hear the term "Tantric Massage". Often it is used as a "buzz-word" for a simple sensual massage but that is not the case here.
One of the primary purposes of our Tantric Massage service is to awaken the Kundalini. The Kundalini is a very powerful, intense and healing form of energy that (for most people) is lying dormant at the base of the spine (the sacrum).
Once awakened, the Kundalini will rise from its resting-place under the sacrum and move up the spine, energizing and healing, eventually re-circulating throughout the entire body. The Kundalini is known to infuse a tremendous amount of energy into a person, and has an incredible ability to heal almost any affliction, be it physical, emotional or spiritual.
The reason that the Tantric Massage is gaining such popularity recently is due to one of the more pleasurable side affects. When the Kundalini is awaken, or drawn out, it also awakens the sexual energy in the body. The Kundalini is different and distinct from the sexual energy, but the two are connected & intertwined. So as the Kundalini is awaken and drawn out of hibernation, so also is the sexual energy in the body. Along with the Kundalini, it is channeled and circulated throughout the entire body. Needless to say, this can be very pleasurable, but it is important to keep in mind that this is only a side effect, secondary to the healing power of the Kundalini.
What are the benefits of Tantric Massage?
It is difficult to define Tantric Massage. Since there are no real standards, every therapist might do something different. So you can never quite be sure what you are getting when you hear the term "Tantric Massage". Often it is used as a "buzz-word" for a simple sensual massage but that is not the case here.
One of the primary purposes of our Tantric Massage service is to awaken the Kundalini. The Kundalini is a very powerful, intense and healing form of energy that (for most people) is lying dormant at the base of the spine (the sacrum).
Once awakened, the Kundalini will rise from its resting-place under the sacrum and move up the spine, energizing and healing, eventually re-circulating throughout the entire body. The Kundalini is known to infuse a tremendous amount of energy into a person, and has an incredible ability to heal almost any affliction, be it physical, emotional or spiritual.
The reason that the Tantric Massage is gaining such popularity recently is due to one of the more pleasurable side affects. When the Kundalini is awaken, or drawn out, it also awakens the sexual energy in the body. The Kundalini is different and distinct from the sexual energy, but the two are connected & intertwined. So as the Kundalini is awaken and drawn out of hibernation, so also is the sexual energy in the body. Along with the Kundalini, it is channeled and circulated throughout the entire body. Needless to say, this can be very pleasurable, but it is important to keep in mind that this is only a side effect, secondary to the healing power of the Kundalini.
What are the benefits of Tantric Massage?
- Eliminates your sexual frustration and turns this sexual frustration into sheer bliss.
- Tantric massage raises the inner energy frequency and spreads that energy, transferring them to all parts of the body. It helps the inner energy to stay higher for longer periods of time, even days later.
- The longer you are floating in the higher energy state, the more benefit you do to your body. The energy of a heightened erotic state is the same high frequency energy of youth.
- This youthful energy has the ability to provide healing throughout the body. Longer exposure to this ancient art means more benefits to you now and further.
- Tantric massage teaches you how to feel and how to choose what pleases you while you are being aroused.
- Be in contact with a caring therapist of joy whose touch shows the possibilities that lie within each and every portion of the body while releasing endless diverse bouts of stress.
- Enables men with erectile dysfunction to experience the same phenomenal tingling pleasure with waves of bliss.
- Brings greater zest and focus to your work and play.
- Increases circulation that allows the body to have more oxygen to circulate.
- Relaxes the body muscles, softens old injuries and overused muscles.
About us
We believe in returning clients, and as such, providing the maximum possible pleasure for our clients is of paramount importance to us. Our friendly and attractive outcall therapists are extremely skilled, highly trained and very experience in what they do. We respect all our clients and assure you of our 100% attention to your wants.
What is Tantric massage?
Tantric Massage is one small part of the wide-ranging Tantric philosophy. Some of the other disciplines include Tantric Yoga, Tantric Meditation, Tantric Breathing etc. It is difficult to define Tantric Massage. Since there are no real standards, every therapist might do something different. So you can never quite be sure what you are getting when you hear the term "Tantric Massage".
Tantric services
One of the many things that make our service special is that our female therapists are vetted meticulously for soft hands and smooth body. Only through this hiring approach with exclusive in-house training produces therapist that’s capable of kneading away tension to stoke arousal. This capability also extends throughout her whole body, a body that’s totally devoted to your Tantric awakening.
Get In Touch
Telephone: (+65) 8400 8534
Operating Hours: Daily 24 hours outcall booking with 1 hour notice
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